Thursday, October 25, 2007


I was introduced to Facebook back in May. I didn't think my participation in this latest social network craze would last since I had in mind to focus on keeping the momentum going with this blog.

Six months later, I realized I had religiously checked Facebook and interacted with friends from various parts of my life experiences (regardless of which country they now live in) whenever I was able to get online. I have sensed a certain contentment in being able to stay "connected" with my friends, even if that meant sending a message, posting a note on The Wall, Super Poke stay top-of-mind, challenging yet another to a game of Scrabulous, or solving PuzzleBee.

Today, I asked myself the same question I had months ago - Why am I on Facebook? Why do I seem addicted to Facebook? After all, it is a virtual platform and impersonal when compared to catching up with a friend over coffee.

I remembered this video on my SuperWall. Remembered what and why it is that many are addicted to Facebook. I laughed and couldn't agree more with the quirkiness of human beings in this day an age ...

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