Saturday, November 24, 2007

In search of significance ...

Oftentimes, a period of dullness and bitterness is required in order for one to appreciate the nice suprises in life. We recognize and appreciate the goodness and perhaps, the purposes of God, when we have experienced the dull and dreary bits of life, of disappointments, and more disappointments.

The truth is, life hasn't been great ... or has it been that my wild heart cries out for more than the current life has to offer? ... "there's got to be more to life than this!"

It began with a whirlwind of activities and success ... and then, the downward spiral ... fighting against current and seeing nothing while diving in Bali, doing much (and tiring myself in the process) with seemingly few results ... seeking to go for the dream dive of the year only to have to pull out because of work ... seeking to be friends with people who couldn't care less whether you were there or not ...

So, after much disappointment and rejection, why does one even bother to get up each day and continue with life? Where does one muster the energy to wake up every morning and live on when the people around all seem to only be interested in getting their own agendas accomplished?

Silence ...

If life was about the tangible things we acquire or the success we achieve, then why does life seem so empty after all the hustle and bustle? Some may argue that perhaps, much remains to be achieved ...

Well, I have observed the cycles in life ... with each heart break comes greater success than before but at the end of the day, the heart cries ... "there's got to be more to life than this!"

Perhaps, I continue to wake up each morning simply because God loves me and has a plan for my life ... because He loves me for who I am and not what I do or don't do ...

I think he has been trying to get my attention all this while ...

Quoting from Larry Julian's God is my CEO, "When we feel stuck or slowed down by pain, obstacles, or circumstances, we can remember that God has a bigger plan than what we are seeing in front of us. We can take a step back and sense the bigger picture and the whole of life. Then we can see our situation from a different perspective."

"How we define success is important in shaping our lives. So, how do we define success? Success is generally defined in terms of achievement, fame, recognition, material possession, and wealth. In a word: outcome.

"Significance is importance, meaning, essence, relevance, and value. Sucess drives us by a desire for tangible things; significance guides us by a desire for something greater than just what is tangible."

The search for significance is like ... "The way of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, which shines ever brighter until the full light of day ... " Proverbs 4:18

Life is short and precious, and I should prioritize what is important ... people and relationships are important.

May I live life driven by a calling to be significant by making a difference in other people's lives. Now, that's a tall order ...

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