Monday, December 31, 2007

Changing tides in Similan - A renewed hope for 2008!

Sunset on board M/V Dolphin Queen
Photo courtesy of Vincent Ong

What a year 2007 has been. Looking back at my journal, I was reminded of the words and mental pictures that came to mind during New Year prayer week.
Stories of Bible characters such as Jesus' disciple Peter being "sifted", Daniel in the fiery furnace and Job losing everything except his own life. Back then, I remembered thinking, things are going good ... could these possibly be a picture of what 2007 could be like for me, and for many others as well?
And now, a year later, as I reflect on 2007, I accept that this past year has been a challenging year of sorts. A year that can be likened to the pendulum swinging from one joyful extreme of new adventures and achievements, to the other painful extreme of disappointments, disillusionment, and depression (as you could probably tell from the last many posts on my blog!).
And as the Chinese saying goes, "Feng Shui takes turns in spinning" which means to some, our wheel of fortune/luck turns (good times will not last forever, neither will bad times) and for others, the seasons of life that changes from Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter.
As I bid 2007 farewell, I recall the recent dive trip to Similan islands - the sunsets in the far horizons putting to bed the uneasy seasons of the past, the rise and fall of the waves (and of life's circumstances) of the Andaman Sea. I remember marvelling at the beauty of the full moon against a clear backdrop of starlit skies, and being fearful of the increasing strength of the ocean currents down below.
And perhaps, beyond the physical, the tides are changing; life's seasons are also changing; and yet some others like the superstitious Chinese will say, the wheel of fortune/luck is spinning and the good times will come again.

I came home last Thursday, 27th of December. I surfed the Astro TV channels and settled on the movie "Just My Luck" starring Lindsay Lohan and Chris Pine.

From the director of "How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days," comes a "funny, twist-of-fate comedy"!Lindsay Lohan lights up the screen as Ashley, the luckiest girl in Manhattan. But little does she know, her good fortune is about to change. When Ashley shares a kiss at a party with Jake, a bad luck magnet, they miraculously switch paths. Suddenly Ashley is plagued by one hilarious disaster after another, and Jake is headed for fame instead of failure. As she desperately races to find Jake and reverse her misfortune, Ashley discovers that her terrible twist-of-fate is the luckiest thing that ever happened to her.

A nice movie to wrap up the year as well. Seemingly bad things may not be all that bad after all. Here's to the changing tides, the dawn of a new season of hope, more adventures, and the fulfilment of our deepest desires!

Here's wishing you a happy new year. May we all learn to ride the waves and flow with the currents ... and most of all, live life to the fullest!

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