Sunday, January 13, 2008

Suddenly ...

The preacher talked about how God chooses to move in our lives at certain times. We may have planned our 2008 and picked a certain direction to pursue but sometimes, God surprises us and moves "suddenly" in a direction we never expected or thought possible.

I think the "suddenly" in life are great especially if you love surprises and thrilling adventures. On the flip side, the "suddenly" in life that result in bad news can be a horrible and very difficult time to go through, but as I discovered in 2007, we can never go wrong if we choose to walk in faith and obedience to God. We may kick and scream along the way or for a season, but we will someday, on hindsight, learn to understand and appreciate those tough times. The "on hindsight" moments happen when we realize we have grown in character and maturity, and have come to a better place, a higher level than where we were before the challenging season.

Frankly, I am excited about 2008 and the resolutions I have for myself. I love to learn and experience new things. I love adventures, and I love being on the move. I began the year with two things I would like to do/achieve in 2008:

1. To enjoy climbing and to climb with style - meaning climbing with proper techniques and hopefully come to the point of being able to "dance" on walls. Yes, I don't think I will ever escape from dance entirely because I was born to dance for His glory. Since picking up climbing at Camp5, my vision has broadened, and I desire to be able to dance again, but on walls for the time being!

2. To upgrade myself by excelling academically once again. This "little" project is still on the back burner but perhaps someday soon, God may work "suddenly" and I will indeed find myself studying again and be challenged to the next level of my personal and professional journey.

At the moment, I am still excited with the thought of these resolutions. Yet at the back of my mind, I am aware of the endless toil and physical pain that come with wanting to learn how to climb with style and much grace. As my private coach says, "No pain, no gain!" I totally agree with him on that one, but that didn't stop me from calling him "Mr Torturer!"

I think I would need to retire soon ... but not before I do a few more rows of what I "suddenly" picked up today!


Speaking of the sudden things in life, something did happen "suddenly" on my way to climbing class today. I don't necessarily think it's a "God thing," but I think it is potentially a rewarding hobby. The simple act of knitting seems to help cause "the things of this world to grow strangely dim." I imagine the conversations with God can only increase as I get used to the pattern/routine of doing the knits and purls, row after row after row.

At the moment, I think it is the idea of being able to produce something while in quiet confidence and the opportunity to contemplate on God, that seem to draw me to knitting.

OK, ... I know what you might be thinking ... because I was probably thinking the same thing as you are now when I first saw my climb buddy sitting with a few middle-aged women and men (mind you!) ... all knitting up a storm in this tiny shop in Damansara Atria.

I walked into the shop after my appointment with the hairdressers and said, "Oh my gawd! You are not expediting your journey towards grandmother-hood are you? Knitting?" ... "Gosh, the world sure has changed ... even the men are knitting these days!" Everyone stopped and stared at me. I immediately shut up lest I got thrown out of the shop!

And today, I've had to swallow my words ...

When I think about "suddenly," this song came to my mind ...

The Beatles playing Yesterday live, in Tokyo, Japan, 1966.
The good news is, I wasn't even born then! :-D

I guess you can call me Ms Methuselah. In fact, if I ever have my own fashion label, Ms Methuselah would probably be the name since it's founded from a personal experience and implies exuberant agelessness.


Anonymous said...

No, knitting is not for the old. It's especially popular here with young girls. It was big craze with teenagers and young ladies here a few years ago.

Remember us knitting sweaters years ago? We used to buy yarn from that one store in Subang Parade and took lessons from there. I never finished the sweater and my mom finally threw away the half knit thing a few years ago. ha! ha!


The Forgetful One! said...

Hahaha ... that's true. I do remember knitting, crocheting when I was a teenager.

Since starting up knitting again, I have knitted many rows only to take out just as many rows ... it's taking me much longer than I expected but at least now I have something else to do if I am ever bored and have no where to go.