Sunday, February 15, 2009

Let me teach you how to dance

I must have seen this movie "Miss Potter" for the third time now and still continue to enjoy every single moment of it. My favorite being the little dance "Let me teach you how to dance" between Beatrix Potter (Renee Zellweger) and Norman Warne (Ewan McGregor).

Let me teach you how to dance,
Let me lead you to the floor,
Simply place your hand in mine,
And then think of nothing more.

Let the music cast its spell,
Give the atmosphere a chance,
Simply follow where I lead,
Let me teach you how to dance.

This movie reminds me of the inner strength of a woman that enables her to stand her ground and pursue her dreams no matter what society thinks. Endure heartbreak and ridicule from those closest to her (her mother), and in the end, still rise above difficult circumstances in life to succeed.

Here's a nice trailer of the movie ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree. I have seen this movie several times and absolutely love what it says about empowering women.