Sunday, April 22, 2007

The Truth is Never Convenient

I finally viewed the documentary "An Inconvenient Truth," based on the climate crisis campaign. It's about Global Warming and how the continued emissions of carbon dioxide waste into the atmosphere will effect a series of reactions that will damage the environment to the point of no return. In 50 years, we may no longer dwell on Earth, a place we have fondly called home.

He, who used to be the next president of the United States, presented compelling data that raised the urgent need for each one of us to do our part and live ethically as citizens of this earth.

It's amazing how matters of life and death can cause an about turn in our lives and cause us to live with great passion towards a goal, a dream or a vision.

For Al Gore, it's been an uphill task of voicing the truth about the rising temperatures since the 1970s. It's now come to a crisis point and the urgent appeal is for each of us to do our bit.

This message reminds me of how the prophets voiced the truth of Jesus as the Christ over the years. As the days, months and years pass, the urgency becomes more and more apparent. The truth eventually confronts us in the face.

We are drawn to the awareness of our need to be reconciled to God. At that point, we recognize our hopelessness without God in our lives. We seek God's mercy upon us and cry out for him to save us.

When the light is turned on in our lives, we are transformed and begin to lead purpose-driven godly lives.

As for the climate crisis we now face, it's time to also put feet to our prayers ... here's what we can do to contribute ... find out how at

I guess taking the LRT to work everyday was a good choice after all ...
The next practical step for me is to reduce my hot showers and take cold or warm showers. Brrrrrr ...!
I have also been working on eating less meat ... but this continues to be an uphill task.

The truth is never convenient! I have a long way to go ... sigh!


Full Time Mom said...

Well done in doing your bit for the environment. I think the key is not to feel like you have to do *everything*. Do what you can.

I attempted to use cloth diapers for the boys but failed miserably. Instead, in our house, we have energy saver bulbs all over and recycle plastic bottles and paper. I also use shopping bags at Tesco, trying to reduce my usage of plastic bags (and endure strange looks from Tesco cashiers: Ah? Tak nak beg plastik?).

For us, the benefits outweigh the costs:
- energy saver bulbs result in lower electricity bills
- recycling paper and plastic reduces rubbish in our bin which isn't very big
- getting fewer plastic bags from Tesco means less clutter, because it usually doesn't get used fast enough

Good luck!

The Forgetful One! said...

Thanks for sharing what I see as valuable input as I discover ways I can chip into this worldwide cause.

We have a few energy-saving bulbs around the house as well but it can be rather dim, especially when we need proper reading environments.

I like the shopping bag idea as well ... more and more, I see supermarkets coming up with their version of shopping bags ... the designs are quite nice, too!