Saturday, May 5, 2007

My personality in a flash!

Was reading other people's blog and found this- What Does Your Birth Date Mean?

Gosh, this is pretty accurate, don't you think? If you've been following my blog entries or if you know me pretty well, you just may find yourself nodding your head to a lot of these descriptions about me. Some parts of it seems utterly rubbish though! Read on ...

Your Birthdate: November 29

You have the mind of an artist, even if you haven't developed the talent yet. (1/2 Temper + 1/2 mental?)
Expressive and aware, you enjoy finding new ways to share your feelings. (Blogging?)
You often feel like you don't fit in - especially in traditional environments. (I need my space!)
You have big dreams. The problem is putting those dreams into action. (Thankfully, I also know a BIG GOD!)

Your strength: Your vivid imagination (Absolutely! I had nightmares after seeing Talented Mr Ripley & was swinging down the banister escaping villains after X-Men)

Your weakness: Fear of failure (Well, nobody likes to fail, right?)

Your power color: Coral (Brings out the color or the lack of it on my face :-! )

Your power symbol: Oval (My face shape :-)

Your power month: November (I gain a year!)

Get yours and share with me.


Ka_Ka said...

I like this blog...


Tammy Leong said...

freaky how this thing can predict ones personality.. would all born of a certain date be the same?
but having tried it myself, it is indeed quite true.