Sunday, March 2, 2008

What are the odds ...

I am still quite baffled with the recent events that have taken place in my life. In total, I have found four buddies whom I can climb with in the past three months, but for some reason, none of them were able to make it for this past week and likely this coming week.

Climb buddy #1: A scuba diving buddy, we began climbing together. She fell and injured herself in January. The sprained ankle is taking a long time to heal. She will, hopefully, climb again in mid-March ... yes, that's just two weeks away!

By the way, we are now knitting buddies ... LOL!

Climb buddy #2: Began rather enthusiastically end last year. She went for a minor surgery to remove a cyst on her foot over the Christmas holidays. She did try to climb with me in January but her wound bursts open just before she was to meet me for climbing. She is prone to having kiloids and has been advised to keep off strenous activities for a few months to allow the wound to completely heal.

She has since taken up Japanese and is faithfully attending those classes. She may return to climbing someday soon.

Climb buddy #3: Also a scuba diving buddy, she has recently signed up for a 10-entry pass to the climbing gym but can only climb as and when work is not too hectic. She is also a member of a fitness gym and has made a decision to frequent the fitness gym more than the climbing one. I guess I won't be seeing or climbing much with her.

Climb buddy #4: Has become a more active climber since January. However, she climbs only once a week on Fridays and takes the rest of the week off. If there were other social engagements on Fridays, these would take priority over climbing. I don't blame her given her numbered days in Malaysia.

What are the odds of having four climbing buddies and yet not a single one to climb wtih for a span of 1-2 weeks? Last week, 50 percent of my buddies were out of action due to physical wounds, while the other half had work or social engagements.

At the rate I am going, I might need eight climbing buddies just to be able to climb on a weekly basis!

I can almost feel the banished fat cells from a couple months ago jump for joy as they work their way back to the sedentary areas of my otherwise toned body.

I feel so bummed ... among the many other things ... sigh!


The only saving grace are my knitting projects. They give my arms and fingers some exercise ...

My absence from the climbing scene this past week has led to the start of a third knitting project - a multi-colored, sleeveless cardigan with shades of pink, red, and maroon. Absolutely gorgeous. I can't wait to finish this one.

I am almost done with knitting project number 1 - the hunter green, bolero-like cardigan. While I missed my personal deadline of completing this by 29 February, the chances of completing it this week are quite high with only 10 inches of collar left to do.

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